
Chairman: TAKAHASHI Masayuki
(Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo / Professor Emeritus of Kochi University)
At the Japan Science Society, the term “science” covers a wide range of fields, including not only the natural sciences, but also the humanities and social sciences. As living organisms, “humans” have a propensity to seek knowledge of the unknown, which is the basis of “science.” Science played an extremely important role in identifying the cause of the novel coronavirus that spread worldwide, taking countermeasures, and communicating information. In the past, when scientific knowledge was scant, people could only fear and pray in the face of unknown epidemics.
Science enriches our lives both spiritually and materially. At the same time, however, problems of misuse and abuse are inevitable. The Japan Science Society was founded in 1924 by motivated individuals who felt strongly about the need to spread the knowledge and use of science in society, and since then has continued its activities through magazine publications and lectures. In 1975, we began to receive support from The Nippon Foundation, and in 1988 we launched a research grant program for young researchers, including graduate students, for whom social support had been limited until then. At that time, the grant program covered a wide range of scientific fields and focused on young researchers, including foreign nationals, who were conducting research in Japan. The number of research grants awarded reached approximately 10,000 in 2020, and more than half of the recipient alumni and alumnae are active in research institutions in Japan and abroad. In addition, we are earnestly promoting the development of young human resources in diverse fields of research by making children aware of their own strong spirit of scientific inquiry and providing junior and senior high school students interested in scientific research with opportunities to be mentored by experts. In 1999, we began donating educational and research books to Chinese researchers and students to deepen their understanding of Japan and are making efforts to deepen Japanese and Chinese university students’ mutual understanding of each other. In 2022, we expanded the scope of our book donations to include universities in other Asian countries and around the world.
In addition to our initial activities to promote “science,” the Japan Science Society will continue to support young researchers in their research, help awaken interest in “science” among elementary, junior high, and high school students, and strive to nurture the human resources who will lead the future. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support.